Thursday, November 20, 2008

To retain or not to retain?

I've been teetering with the idea of starting preschool with Hannah, but not really knowing if she really would retain anything because she still is pretty young, but with some nudging from my mom telling me "You'd be amazed at how much they pickup on even at a young age." Then later in the week with Hannah showing me how much she really is picking up on things, bad habits and all when I heard her say to Mike, "Daddy is a stupid head" (you got to love older sisters) I thought if she can pickup all her lovely older sister's language I'm sure she can learn her ABC's and 123's! So I pulled out the preschool tote and starting our circle time and right on cue when I starting singing the ABC's song our cat O Malley joined us just like he did EVERY TIME when I did preschool with Emily. Which is I think is quite amazing for a cat most people don't even know we have a cat because he's never around, but to this day when he hears that song he comes running! So we did our first little circle time, Hannah had a blast and even sat still the whole circle time!


Andie said...

You are a good mom!!! It's no wonder that all your girls love reading so much. I love that O'Malley joins in at your preschool! :D

Serena said...

I think it is so exciting that you get to spend that time alone with Hannah. She is such a cutie!! Keep up the good work Shantel

Kristen said...

I think children at any age even infants are like little sponges and they can't wait to absorb anything, good and not so great for you to be giving her this one on one time! I bet she absolutely loves it! Little Hannah is a bright little girl... she really is and so darn cute too! Way to go Shantel for having the energy and commitment to do this!

Nicole said...

I think we underestimate our kids- they yearn for knowledge even when we think they are too young. Just like you said, if Hannah can pick up on words from her sisters she can learn her abc's & 123's. I bet Hannah is loving her time with her momma!

Life with Mark and Kristin said...

Kids are amazing. They are constantly learning from whatever source is there to teach. Your kids are blessed to have a good mom who puts them first and finds ways to bless their lives for good.

TheSarlesFamily said...

I think the earlier the better. Beckham is only 3 and I send him off to preschool 4 days a week. I am not disciplined enough to do anything consistently by myself so I let someone else do it for me. Your kids are getting so big. Sorry Beck is helping me type this so who knows what it says he keeps adding things quicker than I am deleting them.

eMiLY said...

Wow! I am very impressed. You make me look bad! I think that is such a great idea, and what a nice time you will have together. Good for you!