Thursday, December 18, 2008

Happy Birthday!!

Happy birthday Mike!!

I thought I would share some "Fun Facts" about my Hubby and let everyone know why we love this man so!!
Mike is a little O.C.D.when it comes to anything electronic, example: He buys a laptop, but do you think we can use it on our laps... nope he says it's to much movement for it!
Mike is always cold you can expect to see Mike with his beanie and coat on from about the end of October thru the end of April, we do live in Minnesota, it was a little shorter time span when we lived in Utah, but not much!!

Mike loved me through all my CRAZY teenage years, and when I say CRAZY I mean CRAZY in the head!

Mike is a little bit of a hypochondriac, and so am I..... so it can be a scary combination at times.

Mike is a GREAT husband and father.

Mike was quite the hip hop dancer back in the day, and he likes to freshen up on his dance skills once a year in the basement when he thinks no one is watching.
Mike's dream job would to be a cartoon artist.

Mike is a little bit of a germ freak.

Mike is a great provider.

Mike is a high achiever, and though I wish he would just stay at the same position and same company forever (because I don't like change!!), his choices have gotten us to where we are now and for that I'm very thankful.

Mike likes pretty much all music from hip hop to heavy metal and all the music in between!

Mike has went to bed with his shoes on more times than I can name!!!

Mike has given me my four beautiful daughters and a wonderful eternal companion what more could a girl ask for???



Andie said...

Hmmmm...I guess I knew all those things about Mike except for the shoe thing???? Interesting....

Happy Birthday, Mike!

Nicole said...

He is a great guy. We are pretty lucky we snagged up two brothers who are good to their wives even if they are a bit quirky at times! Happy Birthday Mike!

The Seaman Family said...

Hope you have a Happy Happy Birthday!